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OAK-D Pro 攝像頭模組(自動對焦/auto focus),Luxonis原廠 RGB AI相機 IMX378 12MP


OAK-D Pro 攝像頭模組(自動對焦/auto focus),Luxonis原廠 RGB 相機 IMX378 12MP auto focus+OV9282

3個版本可選:1MP OV9782、12MP IMX378(2選1:自動對焦AF/定焦FF


  1. OAK-D Pro camera 攝像頭模組
  2. Cable USB-CA-1m 線
  3. Y-Adapter 轉接頭



  OAK-D Pro is the ultimate camera for robotic vision that perceives the world like a human by combining active stereo depth camera and high-resolution color camera with an on-device Neural Network inferencing and Computer Vision capabilities. It also features night vision for perceiving low-light and no-light environments. OAK-D Pro uses USB-C for both power and USB3 connectivity./OAK-D Pro是用於機器人視覺的終極相機,透過將主動立體深度相機和高解析度彩色相機與裝置上的神經網路推理和電腦視覺功能相結合,像人類一樣感知世界。它還具有夜視功能,可感知弱光和無光環境。OAK-D Pro 使用 USB-C 進行電源和 USB3 連接。

  Pro version is advised for application that require high-quality and reliable stereo depth perception in any kind of environment, including low-light, and texture-less scenes, where traditional passive stereo approach struggles./對於在任何環境下都需要高品質和可靠的立體深度感知的應用,建議使用專業版,包括低光和無紋理場景,而傳統的被動立體方法在這些場景中舉步維艱。

 OAK -D Pro是OAK-D 的升級版 ,配備紅外線雷射點投影機(主動立體)和紅外線照明 LED(用於「夜視」)。它也比 OAK-D 更小、更輕。


  定焦和自動對焦型號均具有定焦灰階立體攝影機。OAK-D-Lite 的自動對焦與固定對焦變體僅在 12.3 MP 彩色相機上有所不同。

Both the Fixed-Focus and Auto-Focus variants have fixed-focus grayscale stereo cameras. The Auto-Focus vs. Fixed-Focus variants of OAK-D-Lite differ only in the 12.3 MP color camera. Fixed-Focus has the lens fixed in place mechanically and cannot move, whereas Auto-Focus has an electromagnet that controls the lens position dynamically.

*自動對焦 可以動態對焦物體,主要適用於距離 設備 50 公分以內的物體。還可以利用我們的 API 將自動對焦相機手動設定到特定的對焦位置。/Auto-Focus can focus on objects dynamically, which is mainly useful for objects within 50cm of the device. Auto-focus cameras can also be manually set to a specific focus position utilizing our API.

*建議將固定焦距 用於重型振動應用(例如,無人機、割草機、無懸吊的自行車等) (請參閱 影片)/Fixed-Focus is recommended for heavy-vibration applications (e.g., drones, lawnmowers, bikes w/out suspension, etc. (see video)

  自動對焦 和 固定對焦都 可以清楚地看到 50 公分以外的物體,工作範圍在 50 公分到無限遠之間。自動對焦的優點是可以對焦 近至10cm的物體(請參閱 影片)。/Both Auto-Focus and Fixed-Focus can clearly see objects beyond 50 cm, working between 50 cm and infinity. Auto-Focus has the advantage that it can focus on objects as close as 10cm (see video).

 Series 2 camera equipped with IR illumination for low-light conditions and active stereo improving depth perception./系列 2 相機配備適用於低光源條件的紅外線照明和改善深度感知的主動立體視覺。

  Active stereo: IR dot projector improves depth perception, especially for low-visual-interest surfaces by projecting thousands of IR dots to the scene.

  Night vision: IR illumination LED enables running your AI and CV algorithms in low-light or no-light environments

  For 12MP central RGB camera auto-focus and fixed-focus variants are available; there is also 1MP OV9782 sensor based option
USB2 / USB3 for power delivery and communication

【Main Features】:

  • 4 TOPS of processing power (1.4 TOPS for AI - RVC2 NN Performance)
  • Active stereo: IR dot projector improves depth perception, especially for low-visual-interest surfaces by projecting thousands of IR dots to the scene.
  • Night vision: IR illumination LED enables running your AI and CV algorithms in low-light or no-light environments
  • Run any AI model, even custom architectured/built ones (models need to be converted)
  • Encoding: H.264, H.265, MJPEG - 4K/30FPS, 1080P/60FPS
  • Computer vision: warp (undistortion), resize, crop via ImageManip node, edge detection, feature tracking. You can also run custom CV functions
  • Stereo depth perception with filtering, post-processing, RGB-depth alignment, and high configurability
  • BNO086 IMU single chip 9 axis sensor with embedded sensor fusion
  • Object tracking: 2D and 3D tracking with ObjectTracker node
  • Dimension 尺寸: 97x29.5x22.9 mm
  • Weight: 91g

  Laser dot projector projects many small dots in front of the device, which helps with disparity matching, especially for low-visual-interest surfaces (blank surfaces with little to no texture), such as a wall or floor. The technique that we use is called ASV – conventional active stereo vision – as stereo matching is performed on the device the same way as on OAK-D (passive stereo)./雷射點投影機 在設備前面投射許多小點,這有助於視差匹配,特別是對於低視覺興趣表面(幾乎沒有紋理的空白表面),例如牆壁或地板。我們使用的技術稱為 ASV (傳統主動立體視覺),因為立體匹配在裝置上執行的方式與 OAK-D(被動立體)相同。

  Blanket IR LED illumination allows perceiving low-light and no-light environments. You can run your AI/CV processes on frames that are illuminated by the IR LED. Note that the color camera doesn’t perceive IR light, so you would need to use a mono camera stream for your AI/CV processes./毯式 IR LED 照明可感知低光源和無光環境。您可以在由 IR LED 照亮的框架上運行 AI/CV 流程。請注意,彩色攝影機無法感知紅外線,因此您需要為 AI/CV 流程使用單色攝影機串流。


Available in three variants:

  The OAK-D Pro is available in three camera variants: standard versions IMX378 Fixed-Focus and IMX378 Auto-Focus and special version OV9782 Fixed-Focus. The Fixed-Focus variant has the lens fixed in place mechanically, whereas the Auto-Focus has an electromagnet that controls the lens position dynamically. All variants can clearly see objects 50 cm and beyond.

  • Auto-Focus cameras are recommended for close objects between 8 cm to 50 cm of the device (see video). They can also be manually set to a specific focus position utilizing the DepthAI API.
  • Fixed-Focus cameras are recommended for heavy-vibration applications, such as drones, lawnmowers, or vehicles (see video).
  • OV9782 Fixed-focus cameras feature a special sensor OV9782

〔Central RGB Camera(3個版本可選)〕:


IMX378 Auto-Focus

IMX378 Fixed-Focus


78° / 66° / 54°
82° / 69° / 55°
89.5° / 80° / 55°
12MP (4056x3040)
12MP (4056x3040)
1MP (1280x800)
AF: 8cm - ∞
FF: 50cm - ∞
FF: 19.96cm - ∞
Max Framerate:
60 FPS
60 FPS
120 FPS
Shutter Type:



[Stereo Pair Cameras/立體對相機]:

  • Sensor:OV9282
  • DFOV / HFOV / VFOV:89.5° / 80° / 55°
  • Resolution:1MP (1280x800)
  • Focus焦距:FF: 19.6cm - ∞




OAK-D Pro 攝像頭模組(自動對焦/auto focus),Luxonis原廠 RGB 相機 IMX378 12MP auto focus+OV9282

3個版本可選:1MP OV9782、12MP IMX378(2選1:自動對焦AF/定焦FF


  1. OAK-D Pro camera 攝像頭模組
  2. Cable USB-CA-1m 線
  3. Y-Adapter 轉接頭



  OAK-D Pro is the ultimate camera for robotic vision that perceives the world like a human by combining active stereo depth camera and high-resolution color camera with an on-device Neural Network inferencing and Computer Vision capabilities. It also features night vision for perceiving low-light and no-light environments. OAK-D Pro uses USB-C for both power and USB3 connectivity./OAK-D Pro是用於機器人視覺的終極相機,透過將主動立體深度相機和高解析度彩色相機與裝置上的神經網路推理和電腦視覺功能相結合,像人類一樣感知世界。它還具有夜視功能,可感知弱光和無光環境。OAK-D Pro 使用 USB-C 進行電源和 USB3 連接。

  Pro version is advised for application that require high-quality and reliable stereo depth perception in any kind of environment, including low-light, and texture-less scenes, where traditional passive stereo approach struggles./對於在任何環境下都需要高品質和可靠的立體深度感知的應用,建議使用專業版,包括低光和無紋理場景,而傳統的被動立體方法在這些場景中舉步維艱。

 OAK -D Pro是OAK-D 的升級版 ,配備紅外線雷射點投影機(主動立體)和紅外線照明 LED(用於「夜視」)。它也比 OAK-D 更小、更輕。


  定焦和自動對焦型號均具有定焦灰階立體攝影機。OAK-D-Lite 的自動對焦與固定對焦變體僅在 12.3 MP 彩色相機上有所不同。

Both the Fixed-Focus and Auto-Focus variants have fixed-focus grayscale stereo cameras. The Auto-Focus vs. Fixed-Focus variants of OAK-D-Lite differ only in the 12.3 MP color camera. Fixed-Focus has the lens fixed in place mechanically and cannot move, whereas Auto-Focus has an electromagnet that controls the lens position dynamically.

*自動對焦 可以動態對焦物體,主要適用於距離 設備 50 公分以內的物體。還可以利用我們的 API 將自動對焦相機手動設定到特定的對焦位置。/Auto-Focus can focus on objects dynamically, which is mainly useful for objects within 50cm of the device. Auto-focus cameras can also be manually set to a specific focus position utilizing our API.

*建議將固定焦距 用於重型振動應用(例如,無人機、割草機、無懸吊的自行車等) (請參閱 影片)/Fixed-Focus is recommended for heavy-vibration applications (e.g., drones, lawnmowers, bikes w/out suspension, etc. (see video)

  自動對焦 和 固定對焦都 可以清楚地看到 50 公分以外的物體,工作範圍在 50 公分到無限遠之間。自動對焦的優點是可以對焦 近至10cm的物體(請參閱 影片)。/Both Auto-Focus and Fixed-Focus can clearly see objects beyond 50 cm, working between 50 cm and infinity. Auto-Focus has the advantage that it can focus on objects as close as 10cm (see video).

 Series 2 camera equipped with IR illumination for low-light conditions and active stereo improving depth perception./系列 2 相機配備適用於低光源條件的紅外線照明和改善深度感知的主動立體視覺。

  Active stereo: IR dot projector improves depth perception, especially for low-visual-interest surfaces by projecting thousands of IR dots to the scene.

  Night vision: IR illumination LED enables running your AI and CV algorithms in low-light or no-light environments

  For 12MP central RGB camera auto-focus and fixed-focus variants are available; there is also 1MP OV9782 sensor based option
USB2 / USB3 for power delivery and communication

【Main Features】:

  • 4 TOPS of processing power (1.4 TOPS for AI - RVC2 NN Performance)
  • Active stereo: IR dot projector improves depth perception, especially for low-visual-interest surfaces by projecting thousands of IR dots to the scene.
  • Night vision: IR illumination LED enables running your AI and CV algorithms in low-light or no-light environments
  • Run any AI model, even custom architectured/built ones (models need to be converted)
  • Encoding: H.264, H.265, MJPEG - 4K/30FPS, 1080P/60FPS
  • Computer vision: warp (undistortion), resize, crop via ImageManip node, edge detection, feature tracking. You can also run custom CV functions
  • Stereo depth perception with filtering, post-processing, RGB-depth alignment, and high configurability
  • BNO086 IMU single chip 9 axis sensor with embedded sensor fusion
  • Object tracking: 2D and 3D tracking with ObjectTracker node
  • Dimension 尺寸: 97x29.5x22.9 mm
  • Weight: 91g

  Laser dot projector projects many small dots in front of the device, which helps with disparity matching, especially for low-visual-interest surfaces (blank surfaces with little to no texture), such as a wall or floor. The technique that we use is called ASV – conventional active stereo vision – as stereo matching is performed on the device the same way as on OAK-D (passive stereo)./雷射點投影機 在設備前面投射許多小點,這有助於視差匹配,特別是對於低視覺興趣表面(幾乎沒有紋理的空白表面),例如牆壁或地板。我們使用的技術稱為 ASV (傳統主動立體視覺),因為立體匹配在裝置上執行的方式與 OAK-D(被動立體)相同。

  Blanket IR LED illumination allows perceiving low-light and no-light environments. You can run your AI/CV processes on frames that are illuminated by the IR LED. Note that the color camera doesn’t perceive IR light, so you would need to use a mono camera stream for your AI/CV processes./毯式 IR LED 照明可感知低光源和無光環境。您可以在由 IR LED 照亮的框架上運行 AI/CV 流程。請注意,彩色攝影機無法感知紅外線,因此您需要為 AI/CV 流程使用單色攝影機串流。




  1. Product Documentation
  2. CE Certificate

Description of the image
  • Remote monitoring  
  • Live streaming
  • Easy app deployment
  • Plug & Play setup
  • App store








  OAK-D 是OpenCV團隊設計製作的AI視覺智慧套件。 OAK-D 搭載intel的Moovidius Myrial X視覺處理器。小小的身材中整合了4K彩色像素、雙眼深度相機、慣性測量單元「IMU」、高性能AI處理晶片,實現將雙眼深度視覺運算、神經網路推理、慣性導航感測器整合在單一相機內,讓使用者在2.5W低功耗的情況下獲得雙眼視覺測量定位、AI神經網路加速、4K H.265 30幀即時推流。滿足使用者在智慧駕駛、智慧交通、智慧安防、機器人、教學競賽等方面的需求。
  OAK-D-PoE是以OAK-D為基礎,增加了PoE供電電路, 允許使用單一Cat5e(或更高)乙太網路電纜為設備供電並為其提供長達100 公尺(328 英尺)的1,000 Mbps (1 Gbps) 全雙工連線。搭配IP67防護等級外殼, 適合使用者使用在對防護等級有要求的環境中。
  OAK-D-Lite 是OAK USB 系列中,極具性價比的產品除了沒有IMU,性能方面與OAK-D 相當,但價格更低。它結合了深度感知,目標檢測(神經推理)和目標跟踪,並以簡單易用的Python API 來幫助您實現這些功能。這款OAK-D-Lite 包括三個機載相機(一顆4K/30fps 彩色相機,兩顆黑白雙眼相機)和USB3.0 Type-C 接口,您可以在普通電腦、樹莓派或其他流行的嵌入式主機上透過usb 介面存取OAK。
  OAK-D-Pro 是OAK-D 的升級版,結構光測距,具有紅外線雷射點陣發射器(主動深度視覺),和紅外線照明LED (用於「夜視」)。它也比OAK-D 更小、更輕,精度更高。內嵌高性能Myriad X VPU,採用了主動雙眼視覺技術和結構光,將定位精度提高到了亞毫米級別,滿足近距離高精度定位識別需求,如自動化焊接機器人,零件表面缺陷的定位識別標定等,可增強機器人的感知能力。
  OAK-D-S2 是OAK-D 的緊湊版,功能、效能、鏡頭與OAK-D 一樣,但尺寸更小、品質更輕,可應用在空間有限、對品質有要求的場景。另外,與OAK-D 相比,結構上OAK-D-S2 移去了5V 電源孔,性能上擁有比OAK-D 更大的深度測量範圍。

相機 彩色相機 黑色工業相機
快門方式 捲簾快門 全域快門
感光晶片 IMX378 OV9282
最大幀率 60fps 120fps
H.265幀率 30fps /
像素 12MP (4056×3040 px/ 1.55um) 1MP (1280×800 px/3um)
FoV 81° DFoV – 68.8° HFoV 81° DFoV – 71.8° HFoV
鏡頭尺寸 1/2.3 Inch 1/4 Inch
焦距 8cm – ∞ (AutoFocus) 19.6cm – ∞ (FixedFocus)
光圈 2.0 2.0

OAK-D-Lite 相機參數
相機 彩色相機 黑色工業相機
快門方式 捲簾快門 全域快門
感光晶片 IMX214 OV7251
最大幀率 60fps 200fps
H.265幀率 30fps /
像素 13MP (4208×3120 px) 0.3MP (640×480 px)
FoV 81.3° DFoV 85.6° DFoV
鏡頭尺寸 1/2.3 Inch 1/2.3 Inch
焦距 8cm – ∞ (FixedFocus) 6.5cm – ∞ (FixedFocus)
光圈 2.2 2.2

OAK-D-Pro 相機參數
相機 彩色相機 黑色工業相機
快門方式 捲簾快門 全域快門
感光晶片 IMX378 OV9282
最大幀率 60fps 120fps
H.265幀率 30fps /
像素 12MP (4032×3040 px) 1MP (1280×4800 px)
FoV 81° DFoV / 69°HFoV / 55°VFoV 81° DFoV / 72°HFoV / 49°VFoV
鏡頭尺寸 1/2.3 Inch 1/4 Inch
對焦範圍 8cm – ∞ (AutoFocus) 19.6cm – ∞ (FixedFocus)
光圈 2.0 2.2
發射器 規格
發射器型號 Belago1.1 Dot-Pattern
點數 4700
HFOI*50% 78±7%
VFOI*50% 61°±7%
VSCEL波長 940nm
工作溫度 10°C ~ 60°C
保存溫度 0°C ~ 80°C
雷射安全標準 EN/IEC 60825-1 第3 版(2014) 規定的1 類雷射產品

  • AlexNet
  • CaffeNet
  • GoogleNet (Inception) v1, v2, v4
  • VGG family (VGG16, VGG19)
  • SqueezeNet v1.0, v1.1
  • ResNet v1 family (18***, 50, 101, 152)
  • MobileNet (mobilenet-v1-1.0-224, mobilenet-v2)
  • Inception ResNet v2
  • DenseNet family (121,161,169,201)
  • SSD-300, SSD-512, SSD-MobileNet, SSD-GoogleNet, SSD-SqueezeNet
  • AlexNet
  • Inception v1, v2, v3, v4
  • Inception ResNet v2
  • MobileNet v1, v2
  • ResNet v1 family (50, 101, 152)
  • ResNet v2 family (50, 101, 152)
  • SqueezeNet v1.0, v1.1
  • VGG family (VGG16, VGG19)
  • Yolo family (yolo-v2, yolo-v3, tiny-yolo-v1, tiny-yolo-v2, tiny-yolo-v3)
  • faster_rcnn_inception_v2, faster_rcnn_resnet101
  • ssd_mobilenet_v1
  • DeepLab-v3+
  • AlexNet and CaffeNet
  • DenseNet family (121,161,169,201)
  • SqueezeNet v1.1
  • MobileNet v1, v2
  • NiN
  • ResNet v1 (101, 152)
  • ResNet v2 (101)
  • SqueezeNet v1.1
  • VGG family (VGG16, VGG19)
  • SSD-Inception-v3, SSD-MobileNet, SSD-ResNet-50, SSD-300

  • 將電源接入OAK-D的電源接口
  • Type-C線接OAK-D到電腦或其他主機的USB3.0 接口
  • Type-C接OAK-D-Lite到電腦或其他主機的USB3.0接口
使用OAK-D-PoE,需要使用符合802.3af POE 供電標準的交換器或路由器。
  • 拆開塑膠防水外殼,將配套的網路線連接到交換器中, OAK-D-PoE需要連網才能正常使用。
  • 注意OAK-D-PoE需要接入到跟主機電腦同一個區域網路下的網絡,否則程式無法辨識到設備。
  • Y型轉接器接入OAK-D-Pro
  • 兩條Type-C線連接Y型連接器,另一側,一條UB線調到其他主機的USB3,0接口,另一條連接到5V/2A電源
  • Type-C先接OAK-D-S2到電腦或其他主機的USB3.0接口



OAK-D SR 攝像頭模組(短距離),Luxonis原廠 黑白相機 OV9782x2
OAK-D SR 攝像頭模組(短距離),Luxonis原廠 黑白相機 OV9782x2
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通知OAK-D Pro 攝像頭模組(自動對焦/auto focus),Luxonis原廠 RGB AI相機 IMX378 12MP

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