
The FLIR Lepton® Thermal Camera Breakout is an easy to interface to evaluation board to quickly evaluate the FLIR Lepton® Camera module. It is compatible with a number of low-cost ARM based evaluation boards such as the NUCLEO-F401RE. In addition it is easy to wire to any nonstandard pin outs as well such as the raspberry PI..
- • Input Voltage: 3 V to 5.5 V
- • Space-Saving, (25 mm × 24 mm)
- • Works with the FLIR Lepton® modules: 50 degree shuttered, 50 degree, and 25 degree
- • Access to SPI and I2C camera module interfaces
- • Provides 25-MHz reference clock
- • Power Efficient 1.2 V core voltage
- • Dual Low Noise LDO for 2.8 V voltage
- • 32-pin Molex camera socket for Lepton® Module
- • 100 mil header, pinout compatible with Arduino® headers
- • PCB size and mounting holes same as standard Raspberry camera
- • Additional low profile .5mm FPC connector for embedded applications
- • Thermal Imaging
- • Motion Sensor
- • Night Vision
- • Gesture Recognition

Application Information
The figure below shows a typical application

Getting Started
A basic code example has been posted to the Pure Engineering github site at the following URL: https://github.com/PureEngineering/LeptonModule. Please Note that these are examples to get one started and not for use in final designs. Familiarity of programming and compiling are highly recommended.
For support that extends beyond this datasheet please consult the following google groups site at the following URL: https:// groups.google.com/d/forum/flir-lepton Please search for your question before posting as your question may already be answered.
Additional Information
All additional information about the breakout board, SDK’s, Lepton® Datasheet, and Purchase Information will be maintained at the Following URL: http://www.pureengineering.com/projects/lepton
Example Application
See the schematic on the following page for an example application.

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