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$ reTerminal CM4108032/帶有樹莓派Pi CM4、5寸電容觸控屏、嵌入式Linux110070108

  reTerminal CM4108032- AI, IoT, IIoT Human Machine Interface, All-in-one Board, Modular Design, RPi CM4 32GB powered, IPS multi-touch screen, 2.4GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi & Bluetooth 5.0, rich interfaces/AI、IoT、IIoT 人機介面、一體式闆卡、模組化設計、RPi CM4 32GB 供電、IPS 多點觸控螢幕、2.4GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi 和藍牙 5.0、豐富的接口

  reTerminal CM4108032-帶有 Raspberry Pi CM4 和 5 英寸電容式多點觸控屏的嵌入式 Linux(110070108)

Part List
1 x reTerminal

reTerminal Review, Unboxing, Machine Learning Demos (Edge Impulse and Arm NN) Raspberry Pi 4 CM/reTerminal 審查、拆箱、機器學習演示(Edge Impulse 和 Arm NN)Raspberry Pi 4 CM

Grafana Weather Dashboard on the reTerminal by Seeed Studio/重新終端上的 Grafana 天氣儀表板

  reTerminal is powered by a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (CM4) which is a Quad-Core Cortex-A72 CPU running at 1.5GHz and a 5-inch IPS capacitive multi-touch screen with a resolution of 720 x 1280. It has a sufficient amount of RAM (4GB) to perform multitasking and also has a sufficient amount of eMMC storage (32GB) to install an operating system, enabling fast boot-up times and a smooth overall experience. It has wireless connectivity with dual-band 2.4GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0 BLE.
  reTerminal 由 Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (CM4) 供電,它是一個運行頻率為 1.5GHz 的四核 Cortex-A72 CPU 和一個分辨率為 720 x 1280 的 5 英寸 IPS 電容式多點觸控屏幕。它有足夠的 大量 RAM (4GB) 來執行多任務處理,還有足夠量的 eMMC 存儲 (32GB) 來安裝操作系統,從而實現快速啟動時間和流暢的整體體驗。 它具有雙頻 2.4GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi 和藍牙 5.0 BLE 的無線連接。


  1. Integrated modular design with high stability and expandability
  2. Powered by Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (CM4) with 8GB RAM & 32GB eMMC
  3. 5-Inch IPS capacitive multi-touch screen at 1280 x 720 and 293 PPI
  4. Wireless connectivity with dual-band 2.4GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0 BLE
  5. High-speed expansion interface and rich I/O for more expandability
  6. Cryptographic co-processor with secure hardware-based key storage
  7. Built-in modules such as accelerometer, light sensor, and RTC
  8. Gigabit Ethernet Port and Dual USB 2.0 Type-A ports
  9. Pre-installed heatsink for higher performance
  10. 40-Pin Raspberry Pi compatible header for IoT applications
  11. reTerminal is Microsoft Azure Certified
  12. Remote management support from partner Mender.io (OTA software updates, configure, troubleshoot, remote terminal access)
  13. The best Raspberry Pi device with a 5-Inch multi-touch screen
  14. High-performance Raspberry Pi CM4 tablet


  1. 一體化模塊化設計,高穩定性和可擴展性
  2. 由具有 8GB RAM 和 32GB eMMC Raspberry Pi 計算模塊 4 (CM4) 提供支持
  3. 5 英寸 IPS 電容式多點觸控屏幕,分辨率為 1280 x 720 和 293 PPI
  4. 具有雙頻 2.4GHz/5GHz Wi-Fi  和 藍牙 5.0 BLE 的無線連接
  5. 高速擴展接口和豐富的I/O,可擴展性更強
  6. 具有基於硬件的安全密鑰存儲的加密協處理器
  7. 內置加速度計、光傳感器、RTC等模塊
  8. 千兆以太網端口 和 雙 USB 2.0 Type-A 端口
  9. 預裝散熱器以獲得更高的性能
  10. 適用於物聯網應用的 40 針 Raspberry Pi 兼容接頭
  11. reTerminal 已通過 Microsoft Azure 認證
  12. 來自合作夥伴Mender.io 的遠程管理支持 (OTA 軟件更新、配置、故障排除、遠程終端訪問)
  13. 具有 5 英寸多點觸控屏幕的最佳 Raspberry Pi 設備
  14. 高性能樹莓派 CM4 平板電腦

【Hardware Overview】


 reTerminal CM4104032 is shipped with Raspberry Pi OS out-of-the-box. So, all you have to do is connect it to power and start building your IoT, HMI, and Edge AI applications right away! 
  reTerminal CM4104032 隨 Raspberry Pi OS 開箱即用。因此,您只需將其連接到電源並立即開始構建您的 IoT、HMI 和 Edge AI 應用程序!

 Also, reTerminal is Microsoft Azure Certified!/此外,reTerminal 已通過 Microsoft Azure 認證!

  • Embedded Linux Terminal Device/嵌入式 Linux 終端設備
  • Smart Factory/智能工廠
  • Smart Warehouse/智能倉庫
  • Smart Home /智能家居
  • Machine Learning and Edge AI Applications/機器學習與邊緣人工智能應用
  • IoT Controller/物聯網控制器
  • Hand-Held Device/手持設備

 【You can also enable remote management support/可以啟用遠程管理支持】:
  Follow our wiki to setup Mender Client on a reTerminal to access OTA updates from a Hosted or Self-Hosted Mender Server to enable remote management capabilities.
按照我們的 wiki 在 reTerminal 上設置 Mender 客戶端,以從託管或自託管的 Mender 服務器訪問 OTA 更新以啟用遠程管理功能。

  There are limitless possibilities with the reTerminal. It can be placed at the heart of an IoT/Edge system where you could connect a number of sensors to the reTerminal via different wireless protocols such as LoRa, Zigbee, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Sub-1G, and the reTerminal connected to the cloud via Ethernet, Wi-Fi, 5G/ 4G or connected to an edge server to store and process the data.
 reTerminal 有無限的可能性。它可以放置在 IoT/Edge 系統的核心,您可以在其中通過不同的無線協議(例如 LoRa、Zigbee、Wi-Fi、藍牙、Sub-1G)將多個傳感器連接到 reTerminal,並將 reTerminal 連接到通過以太網、Wi-Fi、5G/4G 或連接到邊緣服務器來存儲和處理數據。

 〔Design in Modularization〕

  Being an IoT hardware partner since 2008, Seeed improves its ability of hardware integration and designs the reTerminal to be modular. Hence, the reTerminal includes one industrial high-speed expansion PCIe interface on the back, along with a Raspberry Pi compatible 40-Pin GPIO connector beside, extremely expanding its application fields. Since the official expansion board reTerminal E10-1 has been published, reTerminal now is carriable and can be utilized in more advanced scenarios.

  〔Rich Interfaces & Components〕

  This all-in-one board still comes with 2 USB 2.0 Type-A ports, one MIPI camera interface, 4 programmable buttons, one RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet connector, one micro-SD card slot and an additional micro-HDMI interface that supports 4K resolution with a frame rate of 60 fps. These can be programmed for your further usage.

  Meanwhile, there are several components mounted on the board, including a light & proximity sensor, LIS3DHTR accelerometer, buzzer, and Real-Time Clock(RTC). The power indicator light as well as other system user lights on the board can be used by your definition./同時,板上安裝了多個組件,包括光和接近感測器、LIS3DHTR 加速度計、蜂鳴器和即時時鐘(RTC)。板上的電源指示燈以及其他系統使用者燈可以根據您的定義使用。

  Furthermore, it also has a high-speed expansion interface with a PCIe 1-lane Host, Gen 2 (5Gbps), USB 2.0 port, 28 GPIOs, and PoE. You can use this interface for industrial and more advanced scenarios!
  此外,它還具有高速擴展接口,帶有 PCIe 1 通道主機、Gen 2 (5Gbps)、USB 2.0 端口、28 個 GPIO 和 PoE。您可以將此接口用於工業和更高級的場景!

  reTerminal also features a 5-Inch IPS capacitive multi-touch screen with a resolution of 1280 x 720 and a pixel density of 293 PPI, providing high definition and rich colors. This resolution is 1.6 times higher than the most common resolution for 5-inch displays, which is 800 x 480. Also, comparing to TN displays, the IPS display on the reTerminal offers better viewing angles as well!
 reTerminal還配備5英寸IPS電容式多點觸控屏,分辨率為1280 x 720,像素密度為293 PPI,提供高清和豐富的色彩。此分辨率比 5 英寸顯示器最常見的分辨率 800 x 480 高 1.6 倍。此外,與 TN 顯示器相比,reTerminal 上的 IPS 顯示器也提供了更好的視角!

  reTerminal has security features such as a cryptographic co-processor with secure hardware-based key storage. It also has protected storage for up to 16 keys, certificates, or data. It provides hardware support for symmetric sign, verify, key agreement – ECDSA. It has hardware support for symmetric algorithms, networking key management and secure boot.
  reTerminal 具有安全功能,例如具有基於硬件的安全密鑰存儲的加密協處理器。它還具有最多 16 個密鑰、證書或數據的受保護存儲。它為對稱簽名、驗證、密鑰協議 - ECDSA 提供硬件支持。它具有對對稱算法、網絡密鑰管理和安全啟動的硬件支持。




Specification Details
Platform Processor Broadcom BCM2711 quad-core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8)
Frequency 64-bit SoC @ 1.5GHz
Memory Capacity 8GB
Technology LPDDR4 with on-die ECC
eMMC Capacity 32GB
Wireless Wi-Fi 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ac
Bluetooth Bluetooth 5.0, BLE
Display LCD 5-inch 720x1280 LCD
Touch Panel Capacitive touch panel (support multi-touch)
Video HDMI 1 x Micro HDMI output (up to 4Kp60 supported)
CSI 1 x 2-lane MIPI CSI camera interface
Multimedia H.265 (4Kp60 decode)
H.264 (1080p60 decode,1080p30 encode)
OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics
Built-In Modules Real-Time Clock NXP Semiconductors PCF8563T
Low backup current; typical 0.25μA at VDD = 3.0 V and Temperature = 25 ℃
Accelerometer STMicroelectronics LIS3DHTR
16-bit, ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g dynamically selectable full scale
Encryption Microchip ATECC608A
Secure Hardware-Based Key Storage, Asymmetric Sign, Verify, Key Agreement
Light Sensor Levelek LTR-303ALS-01
Digital light sensor
Internal IO
Microchip MCP23008-E
Buzzer ≥85dB @10cm 2700±300Hz
External I/O GPIOs Up to 5 × UART
Up to 5 × I2C
Up to 5 × SPI
1 × SDIO interface
1 × DPI (Parallel RGB Display)
1 × PCM
1 × PWM channel
Up to 3× GPCLK outputs
Vertical expansion
1 × PCIe 1-lane Host, Gen 2 (5Gbps)
1 × USB 2.0 port (highspeed)
26 x GPIOs
Power Voltage 5V DC
Current 3A(Minimum)
Temperature Operating Temperature 0 - 70°C( For the LCD Screen: 0 - 60°C)
Mechanical Dimensions 140mm x 95mm x 21mm
Weight 285g
Certificates CE, FCC, TELEC(211-210815)



HSCODE 8471419000
USHSCODE 8471410150





【Seeed Agile Customization Service/客製化服務】

With decades of ODM & OEM experience and an in-depth understanding of popular open-source hardware platforms, including Raspberry Pi, we promise you a professional and flexible customization service for the reTerminal.


Learn how to get started with the reTerminal and turn your ideas into a reality!
By following the guide below, you will be able to build your own reTerminal system image using Yocto. So let's get started!
It has a simple structure that makes it easy to understand and extend. It relies only on the well-known Makefile language. Buildroot is an open source project and many developers contribute to it daily.
You can build your own UI application for reTerminal with LVGL 8.0, you can have a look at the example code in this GitHub repository.
Check how to build your own user interface using Qt for Python on the reTerminal. and also Seeed_Python_ReTerminal_Examples
Mediapipe is currently under active development and includes multiple demos, that can be run out-of-the box after installing Mediapipe on reTerminal.
You can use TFLite Converter to convert any Tensorflow model into .tflite format, provided it only consists of operations supported by TFLite Runtime. And we also build demos on Object Detection, Image Classification, Semantic segmentation, Face age/gender recognition, Face expression recognition, and Face anti-spoofing.
We’ll unbox the device - the reTerminal to see what is included and we’ll then set up a weather dashboard on it using Grafana.
In Edge Impulse train a car detector – this should be fairly easy since we are using transfer learning and the base model already was trained to detect cars, so it contains the necessary feature maps.
Detect unauthorized person, lights ON and Push notification to cell phone. No more false alerts due to pets and stray animals.
This blog will talk about how you can control your smart home appliances using Node-RED running on the OpenWrt System and teaching you step by step.
It's time to look at the Top 40 Raspberry Pi 4 Projects that you can refer to and try building yourself!
What is TensorFlow Lite ? Just heard of TensorFlow Lite and want to know more about it? Today we will discuss everything about TensorFlow Lite.
This blog will show you three ways to configure WiFi on your Raspberry Pi with both Raspberry Pi OS desktop and server, and it will also cover how to do it on a headless Raspberry Pi!


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通知$ reTerminal CM4108032/帶有樹莓派Pi CM4、5寸電容觸控屏、嵌入式Linux110070108

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